Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Bevy of Bookmarks

Our Saturday meeting for January was very successful.  After several hours of stitching we have lots of bookmarks for The READ Center in Richmond, but we can always use more so please keep on making more bookmarks and bringing them in to meetings.
Thanks to Diana there were lots of threads and patterns to choose from to make the bookmark inserts.


We had the coif modeled by a visitor to our meeting.

And she won our monthly opportunity drawing.  Thanks to Dee for bringing in the bag of goodies.

Lots of lovely things on our Ta-Da table - as usual.

Brenda Rosseau came to tell us about the Pocahontas jacket being recreated at Colonial Williamsburg’s Costume Design Center for Preservation Virginia’s Historic Jamestowne. Several group members signed up for sample kits and hope to join in the project which starts this week.